Wednesday, July 29, 2009


That's a cool word. How exactly do you use it?

Fairy Life!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

back-up on sleepovers.

i forgot my phone charger.


Fairy Life!!

lindsey's bday

i didn't get to post this, but i slept over lindsey's house on saturday night.

also, i was at her house since friday night.
oh mayn....

whatta night.
we were up till 5am.
"you guys, it late..."

happy birthday everyone. this was a fun night, this weekend was a fun night.
even sunday night!!

Fairy Life!!!

mike's bday.

i slept over his house.

eveyones asleep but greg and I.
oh shittt!

anyway, i'm watchiing Death Race with greg and mike's dad. lmfao!
mmh? i need to sleep soon. UGH!

i need to get home by 9:15am, or else im screwed.

Fairy Life!

Monday, July 27, 2009


my new favorite sport is ping pong. I played it twice this weekend, and
now I love it!!!

i want to join a table tennis team and see how good I can get.

Fairy Life!


gay people tend to buy macbooks rather than PCs.
why? whateva, I would too.

Fairy Life!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I hate sleepovers. Well, I don't hate them, I just don't like me in

I tend to wake up hours before everyone else gets up, and that's no fun.
Also, I usually forget my phone charger at home, so my phone dies and I
can't entertain myself while everyones sleeping. -______-

Fairy Life!

Friday, July 24, 2009


i finally see an asian in maury. finally!
like, I was happy to see an asian on the show.

the demography of the show is mainly black and white trash. its about
time they bring in some new flavor to maury.

They have their hispanics here and there, but I never seen an asian,
until today.

Turns out he cheated on his wife.

Fairy Life!


i went out last night with Oscar and Darlon to eat at Full House Chinese restaurant.
it was good, i ordered water. -____- i had Ihop with Crissy and Anton an hour before, Darlon picked me up.

anyway, point of this entry. outside of the restaurant, we saw a banner on the park square that said " 33th Anniversary. " Fail.

Fairy Life!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

lunch break.

my mom is going back to work from her lunch break. ouch. that's when I
know i'm deprived of sleep.

Fairy Life!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


that's it. Im tired of it all...
im conforming to non-conformity.

Fairy Life!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

math 103.

yes!!! this fall im taking calculus 1 at GCC.
who said gay people can't be smart?!?

i'm so ready.

Fairy Life!

Monday, July 20, 2009

back entrance.

im currently posted at the back entrance of my building. Its dark out
here, but I feel so peaceful. its kinda strange because im normally
scared of being back here, but i've been sitting out in the stairs for a
good fifteen minutes. I had a cigarette and i took a couple of pictures
of the car infront of me, and I feel as if nothing could go wrong. I
find it awkward that the deviant area of my building is the area is now
find tranquility.

could this mean that this is a new beginning for where I live?

the aura of this dark stairway feels absolutely correct.

or can it be that this area still posses deviances, and i've just
accustomed to it?

whatever it is, I feel at bliss.

Fairy Life!


So. Being sick sucks.
Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®

it was cute.

"I think we might have similar personalities minus the fact that you're such an athlete and I'm such a heffer."

Fairy Life!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

math at the park.

like the loser i am, i went to the park to watch the guys play ball.
I brought my calculus practice papers. I need to get into calculus.

placement test tomorrow!

Fairy Life!

hot hot hot! sweat sweet!

this year's summer is hot.
not as hot as last year, but its pretty hot.

too hot for me to wear clothes.

Fairy Life!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Currently at the Ahmanson Theatre, waiting for the musical to begin.
Spamalot has brought a huge older WASP crowd.
I doubt that I'm the only...

Fairy Life!


Oh, tonight's gonna be a good night! Well, the entire day has been
perfect, so far. I got up and I had lunch with Cilla, Julie and
Kristian. Primarily, we planned to go out to BJs restaurant, but we just
had Thai BBQ instead. We headed out to the Americana and Cilla bought me
a shirt and underwear. She knows me too well. Lmfao!

Tonight, im going out with Darlon; gonna get something to eat then watch
spamalot at the Ahmanson Theater. Ahh... im enjoying this belated
birthday weekend.

Fairy Life!
Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®

Panama vs USA

Soccer game + Parents + A/C = Family Bonding.
I'm actually enjoying this.

Fairy Life!

one, two, four, three.

i just got back home from rage, and i could gladly say it was a pretty chill night. So, this is a little recap about what happened at the club. So, we were all dancing and this random black guy came up to Criss and started to dance with her. So they were dancing and the black guy's date, some hispanic guy named Roman, walked into the the dance floor and introduced himself to Crissy. Like the little hoe-hoe she is, she was sandwiched in between both of them. (just kidding about the hoe-hoe part, i love her dearly.) the black guy seemed to walk away and it was just Roman and Criss dancing alone for a really long time. she kept asking me to come over and meet this guy, and i was like ehh, im too tired. so, i finally walk over and introduce myself and yada yada yada.

we leave the club and us girls start chit-chatting about if he was gay or not and how cute he was and.... well, you get the point.

just to make it easier, this is how it went down:

Istilldontgetit (3:18:07 AM): my feet hurt
Darlon Justin (3:18:17 AM): yeah i didn't dance much
Istilldontgetit (3:18:23 AM): yeah i know....
Darlon Justin (3:18:27 AM): hahha
Istilldontgetit (3:18:29 AM): ugh, that Roman guy
Darlon Justin (3:18:30 AM): does that offend you
Darlon Justin (3:18:36 AM): ugh don't talk to me about it
Istilldontgetit (3:18:37 AM): no, it doesnt.
Darlon Justin (3:18:39 AM): talk to the ones who like penis
Istilldontgetit (3:18:42 AM): haha
Darlon Justin (3:19:04 AM): hearing ti for 20 minutes in the car was enough lol
Istilldontgetit (3:19:09 AM): lmfao
Istilldontgetit (3:19:17 AM): i guess, sorry.
Darlon Justin (3:19:20 AM): he was cute
Darlon Justin (3:19:21 AM): yeah he was cute
Istilldontgetit (3:19:22 AM): haha
Darlon Justin (3:19:23 AM): i knwo right?
Darlon Justin (3:19:25 AM): he was cute!
Istilldontgetit (3:19:26 AM): hahahahahaha
Istilldontgetit (3:19:28 AM): LMFAO!
Darlon Justin (3:19:30 AM): what was his name again?
Darlon Justin (3:19:34 AM): he was 23
Darlon Justin (3:19:35 AM): yeah
Darlon Justin (3:19:37 AM): wow
Darlon Justin (3:19:39 AM): he was cute
Istilldontgetit (3:19:39 AM): LMFAO!!!
Darlon Justin (3:19:43 AM): i was getting him for you
Darlon Justin (3:19:45 AM): yeah he was cute
Istilldontgetit (3:19:47 AM): LMFAO!
Istilldontgetit (3:19:49 AM): hahahahahha
Darlon Justin (3:19:50 AM): ramon? raymond?
Darlon Justin (3:19:52 AM): i forgot his name
Istilldontgetit (3:19:53 AM): okay. i get it!!!
Darlon Justin (3:20:00 AM): is he gay?
Darlon Justin (3:20:02 AM): i don't know
Darlon Justin (3:20:05 AM): he's cute though
Darlon Justin (3:20:07 AM): yeah
Darlon Justin (3:20:09 AM): what's hsi name again?
Istilldontgetit (3:20:10 AM): lmfao!!!!
Istilldontgetit (3:20:14 AM): stop it!
Istilldontgetit (3:20:16 AM): hahahahah!
Istilldontgetit (3:20:20 AM): drop it!
Darlon Justin (3:20:23 AM): i think he's straight
Darlon Justin (3:20:25 AM): NO WAY
Darlon Justin (3:20:29 AM): dude he was on you all night
Darlon Justin (3:20:32 AM): yeah but it was for you
Darlon Justin (3:20:32 AM): yeah
Darlon Justin (3:20:33 AM): he's cute
Istilldontgetit (3:20:37 AM): hahah
Istilldontgetit (3:20:44 AM): oh god!
Darlon Justin (3:21:17 AM): i probably would do that too
Darlon Justin (3:21:26 AM): i mean, he WAS cute... what was his name again?

cute huh?
Darlon's one of the girls. =]

Fairy Life!

Friday, July 17, 2009

yesterday night.

yesterday night, Darlon called me up and asked if i wanted to go out and kick it with his homies, Julian and Oscar. So we went out and i couldn't find my wallet at home. it was kinda scary, for which i just got home from volleyball class. i couldn't find it in my bag, so i headed to my car and searched there. i didnt find it, and Darlon was already here. So i left, and i asked my brother to re-check my bag for me. he didn't find my wallet...

that's when i really started to trip.

i asked DJ if he can take me to pinkberry to see if i accidentally left it there.
(i had pinkberry with matthew after volleyball class.) it wasn't there.

so we continued on with our night and headed out to yogurtland. DJ and his friends got yogurt, i just watched. DJ bought me subway. =]

i was still worried about where my wallet was at. so we went cruising and stopped by car again, and found my wallet. -_____- it was hidden under the emergency break.

so we went cruising even more, and DJ bought us beers.
we stopped by Mike's house and just kicked it there for a good while.
afterward, DJ took me home and i called it a night.

Fairy Life!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

biking is awesome.

it feels good.
it is so chill.
it is really healthy.
it is much funner than running.

mmh. i'm gonna start looking for bikes online.
preferably a road bike. =]

Fairy Life!

Monday, July 13, 2009


yes. this shall be an intervention.

Fairy Life!

legally 18

i love being 18. Justin and I are officially 18 years of age. Oooh! what to do?!?

adventure of course:
- 7/11 - cigarettes and lottery
- Erotica (Le Sexxx Shoppe) - sex.

So, Justin and I really wanted the 7/11 guy to ask us for ID. So i bought two packs of Marlboro 100 ligths, and he asked if i was 18. i said, "gladly!"
i was happy. i wanted him to card me. im 18, BITCH!

Justin bought a lottery scratcher, and he didn't get carded. LMFAO! I felt bad for him, but luckily, he won another free ticket. So that is when the guy carded him, and i felt better for him.

After our little adventure at 7/11, we headed out to the Sex Shop on San Fernando and enjoyed our first couple of days as a legal 18 year-old looking through porn, lube, and dildos.

three more years!

Fairy Life!


i feel like going out and just singing RENT.
you ever get those feelings?
of just going out and sing!

like, i just want everybody to at least know what i'm singing, so i don't like like the creep on the street singing his heart out. ooh! also, i would love it if someone would join me and sing-along.

ahh, my fantasy.

Fairy Life!

Friday, July 10, 2009

best week ever.

This is basically a repetition of whatever Julie has said, but it has been a pretty bomb week. I just want to thank all of my friends and family members who have made this week magical. Also, i would like to thank all those who wished me a good happy birthday.

Monday - I woke up and i kicked it with Crissy for the day. We went to Best Buy and we met Comedian JoKoy. We got a picture with him and that was awesome. He was such a KoolKat. At Best Buy i bought a new camera and i got it for under 200 bucks. THANKS CARO!!! I dropped Crissy off home and then I headed out to Kristian's basketball game and kicked it with Julie and Darlene. Afterwords, we went out for Pho at Burbank and lastly, I finished the night with a Nutella, Bananas, Strawberry, and Whip Cream Crepe.

Tuesday - It's my Birthday! Yay! I finally turned 18. So Matthew picked me up and we had to run a couple of errands. So we headed to Best Buy and bought a Memory Card for my Camera along with a pouch. After that, we went to Costco and got ourselves some food. We wanted some ice-cream so we headed to Baskin Robins for dollar scoop Tuesdays. =D Afterward, we headed out to Mike's house to watch the Lord of The Rings marathon. We couldn't stay to watch it all, so we left to his place to bake brownies for his cousins trip the following day. (I think they went to Ranging Waters.) I kicked it with his cousins and played numerous card games until it hit 1:20am. He took me home and i left his house with a huge brownie platter for Julie. (It her birthday on Tuesday, the 8th.) I got home, showered, prepared my clothes, and went back to Mike's house to pick up Julie and Rafiat. They were still watching the Lord of the Rings. After their horrendous 11-hour marathon, we went to Julie's house and surprised her with the fudge brownie platter.

Wednesday - Yay! It's Julie's Birthday! So i woke up at Julies house before everyone else did, or so I think? Rafiat might have been awake, just with his eyes closed.... go figure. -______- So we got up, and Jonna came to pick us up to get some breakfast. We ate at Eat by the Griffith Park Golfing Course. It was good. I split breakfast with Rafiat. We then left and i took Rafiat home and i picked up my son, Billy. He promised me to take me out to Noodle World. =D So we went to Noodle World and he picked up the tab. I love my son. It was about to hit 7pm and i had a little food coma hitting me. I also wanted to go home in time to watch the ending of Jeopardy! So i rushed to drop him home, and missed the show completely, the Wheel of Fortune was just about to start. (Well, actually, I don't know. My parents were watching a soccer game so i could have cared less to check, but it was already 7:30pm.) My food coma really started to kick-in so i knocked-out and missed Julie's birthday cake celebration thingy ma-bobber.

Thursday - I didn't get up till really late. Well, like 9am. But hell, I knocked out around 7:30 to 8pm. More than a 12 hour sleep. That's not good. So we got bad news that day that we might get evicted. (Read My Previous Blog.) Cleaned the whole house that day trying to make it look up to par for the inspection. Left home at about 5:30pm to go to Volleyball class. I picked-up Matt at his house and we headed out to GCC. On the way there, we decided not to go anymore, and so we headed out to swim with my friends. We made a small pit-stop at PacSun to buy board shorts. We finished the night off with Carl's Jr. Julie, thanks again for that shake. =]

Friday - YES! YES! YES! JULIE and I's BIRTHDAY DINNER! So today was the day that we scheduled our birthday dinner. Yay! That went really well. The day started great; Darlon picked me up and we headed out to watch Bruno at the Americana. We were heading there a little early so we stopped by his house. We left his house and arrived at Pacific Theaters right on time. The movie was freaking hilarious! Afterward, Matt came to pick me up at the Americana and we headed out to Fuddruckers. The dinner went great! After that, we chilled at Burbank for hours and we finally headed out to KBox. The day ended with 10 people in a small room singing "Don't Stop Believing." Sadly, my camera's battery died after the dinner so i couldn't take any more pictures. Thank God I had Jonet there to take pictures for me. =]

I just want to say, that has been the best week ever!
freaking awesome week.

And you know what?!?! The weekend hasn't even come yet!

i love all my friends and i will never forget this week.
i'll post the pictures up on my Flickr.
(i swear, this one works.)

Fairy Life!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


management knocked on my door today and asked if it was okay for them to enter...

i should've said no.

we're getting my apartment fumigated again.
this really sucks.

clearly, the spray your putting around is not working and is sickening my mom.
my mom suffers from asthma and any strong smell, even perfume, makes her sinuses go wild. after that, he asthma goes off. Not Pretty!

so, they're blaming the rodent infestation on us.
they tell us its something we do, and our "un-satifactory" way of living.=

We've never had a roach or any kind of infestation at my place. Ever since the neighbors broke out with chinch bugs and bed bugs and other type of rodents, i have a feeling they came to our place. I mean, the only thing that separated my neighbors infestation and my apartment was a solid wall....

so they told us, that if it doesn't get better after this fumigation, they're going to have to blame it on us, and evict us.


gah, maybe its a punishment from GOD for being...

Fairy Life!


i got a new camera.

i also made myself a flickr account.


Fairy Life!


where are all the blue mailboxes?!

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im not just ranting over the city's lack of blue mail boxes, or its neglect on the friendly mailers of america...

i just feel like bitching.
Hell, it wasn't even me who needed to mail something. -____-

Fairy Life!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Julio Seis

yay! im legally 18.

but that's not the point of this blog entry.
this is to highlight the last couple of hours spent as a 17 year-old.

I had Pho.

I had a Crepe for Dessert.

Lastly, I had Him.


just kidding on the last one.
Julie, don't get all protective.

You know its just me being...

Fairy Life!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Mid-Life Crisis

its the day before my bday and i think im getting sick.
ugh... eff my life.

my voice is raspy, and i feel like theres something in my throat.
i feel a little bit heated, and i've been feeling down on the dumps.

oh no! i'm not getting sick.

or maybe its just...

Fairy Life!

summer movies are such a hoot.

This is the list of the Summer Movies i want to watch:

Night at the Museum 2.
Year One.
Transformers 2.
The Hangover.
Public Enemies.
The Proposal.
Harry Potter.
G.I. Joe.
Inglorious Bastards.

I've watched one, Transformers, but I'll be crossing them out little by little, in hopes to watch them all by the end of the Summer Season.

Fairy Life!

i miss my camera.

my camera broke a hella long time ago.

how long?
well, around prom 09.

and im really starting to miss it now.

like, i just realized there were all of these pics i couldve taken:
4th of July Pictures.
Marshall's Graduation.
Matt and I's first Official Date...


Now that my 18th bday is coming up, i really want to take pics and remember that night.

but its broken. =[

oh mayn, i think im buying a new one.
SHH! dont tell my mom.

Fairy Life!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

facebook invites.

the invites are finally out on Facebook.

all thanks to Julie.
she asked me to do it, but she just did it her self.

did i pull off a Kish?
eh, only she would know.

Eeeeh! Im going GaGa for my birthday!

Fairy Life!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

birthdays are coming up.

lets all celebrate the upcoming birthdays!

i think Julie wants to eat at fudds.
fuck. hells yes! July 7 & 8 birthday Celebration.

ever since Cilla's birthday, that place has just been the place to have a birthday dinner.

A. Cheap Prices.
B. Convenient Location.
C. No Tip!
- i left some money on the table once. 0_0
- i felt awkward and i didn't know if we should have had or not, so i left a dollar and ran-out of there in a jiffy thinking i left a horrendous amount of money for tip. -_-
D. They give you this cool VIP only kinda room where you and your friends can enjoy themselves and just enjoy the dinner without having to worry about the amount of space you need and have.
- i think...

"i've got a feeling, that tonights gonna be a good night!"
- its been in my head for a while.

Fairy Life!

Web Site Story.

musical have always given me a rush.
like many illegal drugs.

but, this parody of West Side Story just tops it.

its a gay man thing...

Fairy Life!