Monday, August 17, 2009

i dont feel like writing.

i haven't been on this site in a while.

i guess there is just nothing to write about. life has just become so boring that it becomes tiring. its hard to explain....
maybe in another blog entry.

Fairy Life!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Alcohol. Whoo! Staight up buzzin it on the way home!

"It is the social lubricant."
- Anton

Funny, eh?
Previous to my other entry.
Alcohol is a poisinous(sp?) beverage. But heyyy! It is fun!!

Fairy Life!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Verbal Diarrhea.

Im just going to say what's on my mind. Who ever gets the guts to finish
reading this has some balls...

Im in debt.
That's my first topic. Who the fuck gives their gay teen son a fucking
credit card?! Thanks mom. Cause of you, im now 3000 dollars in debt. Two
months ago I was only about 1200 dollars in debt, and now its at 2988
dollars. That's roughly 3000 dollars. -____- I have an okay excuse... it
was my birthday and its the first month of the summer. The shitty part
about being in debt to a credit card company is interest. Interest is a
fucking bitch. When I first applied for the credit card, it was because
there was no annual cost. I didn't really pay attention to the
APR/Interest/Etc, but I just remember it being at 0%. (Also, I had a
job.) The APR was 0% for the first 9 months, well, those 9 months are
over and I have no clue what are the current finance charges. Ugh...
Im done... I was gonna say more. But im tired.

Fairy Life!

sleeping pattern.

my sleeping pattern has been pretty fucked up lately.
my inability to sleep is like my "inability to hold an erection on high holy days." jk.
but wouldn't that be something. figure out where that line is from and i'll give you a high-five!
not just any any high-five, a well deserved high-five.

excuse me for my little tangent.

back to what I was saying; i need to get my sleeping pattern back on track.
so what did i try? sleeping at 9:30pm. -_____-
not cool. i woke up around 4:30am and i couldn't go back to sleep.
there is small progress, but its working.

last week, i was heading to bed roughly around 3:30-4:30am.
today, i woke up around my usual bedtime. yay!

Fairy Life!

Monday, August 3, 2009


not good.

i would finish that entry with "nuff said," but i cant.

i feel like elaborating on why alcohol is not good.
you do stuff you are not aware of, it kills brain cells, and if i didn't mention this, you do stuff you are not aware of.

i haven't been on the blogger website in quite sometime actually. i've been sending in my posts via email through my Sidekick LX. i don't usually read my blogs, but today i read them and i read three entries that i don't remember posting. WTF? seriously... ugh. Lindsey's Birthday, Mike's Birthday, and Sleepover.

alcohol intoxication is not good.
its fun, but not good.

the saturday that just passed, i lost my camera due to alcohol intoxication.
well, not just because of the booze, but because of my irresponsibility. (happy, julie?)
i was at a party on saturday and i left the place wasted... but i arrived perfectly sober. i was going to walk-in to the party with my camera so i would take pictures and post them up on my flickr, but i decided to leave it in Anton's car. So we got into the party and i was offered drinks here and there. i wasn't the only one drinking, there was alcohol being served around the whole party. my friends and i came across two drunk high schoolers. together, the two high schooler summed up to have only three kidneys... one of them had only one kidney in his body. (go figure, thats what i was told!) these two kids were too drunk to walk or skate home, they came to the party with their boards, so my designated driver offered them a ride home. My ass was too drunk to remember that my camera was exposed in the back seat, so when Anton came back to pick me up, my camera was nowhere to be found. one of the skaters denies the fact that he stole my camera. who knows... i need to somehow find a way to contact the other skater.

alcohol is fun, but bad.
it makes you forget a lot of things.
it makes you very irresponsible.
it makes you do stuff probably wouldn't do.

... but it gave me the guts to finally call him.

Fairy Life!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

julie's turn.

Sooo... today consisted of; slight boredom, strawberry banana crepes,
sailor's mouth, and waiting outside of Red Robin.

You need an elaboration? No, I'll let you figure it out.

Fairy Life!