Monday, June 22, 2009


I have school tomorrow at 8am and I can't go to sleep. I'd like to blame it on my eagerness to start school again (yes, i'm a complete nerd,) but I'm blaming the insomnia on this week vacation i just experienced. I mean, I hardly went to school without rest; the only times id go to school with little to no sleep was when i had essays due the next day. Prior to my two week break, i would get to bed at around 11:30pm and wake up at 5:30am. I was cool with it; it was normal to me!

Then i had my two-weeks vacation, and i was going to sleep later and later. The first couple javascript:void(0)days went by fine and the latest i went to sleep was perhaps 1am. By the end of the first week, i was heading to bed at around 4 to 6am. Not Good!

Guess I'll just have to see when I fall asleep and wake up when my alarm clock goes-off.

Fairy Life!

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